This riveting, intelligent, romantic thriller directed by Michael Winterbottom is set in late 30s Palestine under the British Mandate during the ruthless conflict between the Irgun (Zionist paramilitary group) and the British occupiers. Inspired by true events, the title character lived in Tel Aviv at that time. This powerful love story between Shoshana, a Polish Jew and fervent Zionist (a compelling Irina Starshenbaum) and a British police inspector (the impossibly handsome Douglas Booth from “The Riot Club” and “Jupiter Ascending”) heightens the realities of the dangerous political divide. Both lovers are deeply committed to their causes as well as to each other. You root for the young couple with all your heart. Can they make it work? A Zoom interview with the prolific director Michael Winterbottom (“Welcome to Sarajevo” and “The Claim”) will be conducted by festival artistic director Ruthe Stein.
UK 2024 (119 minutes)
Sponsor: Fran and Gerry Schall