"A story of people in war and peace" is a unique perspective and outstanding documentary by Armenian Director Vardan Hovhannisyan. In his movie, Vardan documented a close-range battle of the first war in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) in which half soldiers were wounded and a full third killed. Twelve years later, he finds survivors and through the personal conversations with these heroes demonstrates the cost of war and what is to survive the peace. The movie emphasizes the life of the people during both war and peace rather than the specific military conflict.
The documentary received global recognition and has 30 International nominations and Awards, including the 2007 Tribeca Film Festival prize for the Best New Documentary Filmmaker.
The film was made in co-production with international broadcasters including BBC, ARTE (France/Germany), WDR (Germany), ITVS (USA) and YLE (Finland).